วันเสาร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Tasren 2: stay away from the wicked

Life is a vehicle. It moves when there is a destination to reach. Regarding the Thirty-Eight Blessing (มงคล 38), the 1st one is not to associate with the fools/ the wicked. The wicked is immoral persons. If you associate with this kind of friends who have the wrong view, they will bring you to think, say and do the wrong things and will cause problems & suffering later. Therefore, please try to stay away from them and associate with the wise one (the good company/ the virtuous). Your life will be no problem, will be prosperous and peaceful.

Each person has his/her own life and has to manage life by himself/ herself. A knower knows that he/she has no rights to interfere in others’ lives, only can be an advice-giver. So long as the evil results of past behaviour still persist, the person who receives the fruit of unwholesome action cannot cultivate meritorious action that can eliminate grief and misery from the mind.